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InputSigningData Objects

class InputSigningData()

Data for transaction inputs for signing and ordering of unlock blocks.


  • output - The output.
  • outputMetadata - The output metadata.
  • chain - The BIP44 chain for the address to unlock the output.

RemainderData Objects

class RemainderData()

Data for a remainder output, used for ledger nano.


  • output - The output.
  • address - The remainder address.
  • chain - The BIP44 chain for the remainder address.

PreparedTransactionData Objects

class PreparedTransactionData()

Helper class for offline signing.


  • essence - The transaction essence.
  • inputsData - Data about the inputs which is required for signing.
  • remainder - Data about a remainder.

SignedTransactionData Objects

class SignedTransactionData()

Helper class for offline signing.


  • transactionPayload - The transaction payload.
  • inputsData - Data about the inputs consumed in the transaction.