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NodeIndexerAPI Objects

class NodeIndexerAPI()

Node indexer API.

QueryParameters Objects

class QueryParameters()

Query parameters


  • address:
    Bech32-encoded address that should be searched for.
  • alias_address:
    Filter foundry outputs based on bech32-encoded address of the controlling alias.
  • created_after:
    Returns outputs that were created after a certain Unix timestamp.
  • created_before:
    Returns outputs that were created before a certain Unix timestamp.
  • cursor:
    Starts the search from the cursor (confirmationMS+outputId.pageSize).
  • expiration_return_address:
    Filters outputs based on the presence of a specific Bech32-encoded return address in the expiration unlock condition.
  • expires_after:
    Returns outputs that expire after a certain Unix timestamp.
  • expires_before:
    Returns outputs that expire before a certain Unix timestamp.
  • governor:
    Filters outputs based on bech32-encoded governor (governance controller) address.
  • has_expiration:
    Filters outputs based on the presence of expiration unlock condition.
  • has_native_tokens:
    Filters outputs based on the presence of native tokens.
  • has_storage_deposit_return:
    Filters outputs based on the presence of storage deposit return unlock condition.
  • has_timelock:
    Filters outputs based on the presence of timelock unlock condition. issuer: Filters outputs based on bech32-encoded issuer address.
  • max_native_token_count:
    Filters outputs that have at most a certain number of distinct native tokens.
  • min_native_token_count:
    Filters outputs that have at least a certain number of distinct native tokens.
  • page_size:
    The maximum amount of items returned in one call. If there are more items, a cursor to the next page is returned too. The parameter is ignored when pageSize is defined via the cursor parameter.
  • sender:
    Filters outputs based on the presence of validated Sender (bech32 encoded).
  • state_controller:
    Filters outputs based on bech32-encoded state controller address.
  • storage_deposit_return_address:
    Filters outputs based on the presence of a specific return address in the storage deposit return unlock condition.
  • tag:
    Filters outputs based on matching Tag Block.
  • timelocked_after:
    Returns outputs that are timelocked after a certain Unix timestamp.
  • timelocked_before:
    Returns outputs that are timelocked before a certain Unix timestamp.

OutputIdsResponse Objects

class OutputIdsResponse()

Response type for output IDs.


  • ledger_index - The ledger index for which the response is valid.
  • cursor - The cursor to the next page of results.
  • items - The query results.


def basic_output_ids(query_parameters: QueryParameters) -> OutputIdsResponse

Fetch basic output IDs from the given query parameters.


The corresponding output IDs of the basic outputs.


def alias_output_ids(query_parameters: QueryParameters) -> OutputIdsResponse

Fetch alias output IDs from the given query parameters.


The corresponding output IDs of the alias outputs.


def alias_output_id(alias_id: HexStr) -> OutputId

Fetch alias output ID from the given alias ID.


The output ID of the alias output.


def nft_output_ids(query_parameters: QueryParameters) -> OutputIdsResponse

Fetch NFT output IDs from the given query parameters.


The corresponding output IDs of the NFT outputs.


def nft_output_id(nft_id: HexStr) -> OutputId

Fetch NFT output ID from the given NFT ID.


The output ID of the NFT output.


def foundry_output_ids(query_parameters: QueryParameters) -> OutputIdsResponse

Fetch foundry Output IDs from the given query parameters.


The corresponding output IDs of the foundry outputs.


def foundry_output_id(foundry_id: HexStr) -> OutputId

Fetch foundry Output ID from the given foundry ID.


The output ID of the foundry output.