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Get information about the deployed committee



Get information about the deployed committee


Path Parameters

    chainID stringrequired

    ChainID (Bech32)

Query Parameters

    block string

    Block index or trie root


A list of all nodes tied to the chain

    accessNodes CommitteeNode[]required

    A list of all access nodes and their peering info.

  • Array [
  • accessAPI stringrequired
    node PeeringNodeStatusResponserequired
    isAlive booleanrequired

    Whether or not the peer is activated

    isTrusted booleanrequired
    name stringrequired
    numUsers int32required

    The amount of users attached to the peer

    peeringURL stringrequired

    The peering URL of the peer

    publicKey stringrequired

    The peers public key encoded in Hex

  • ]
  • active booleanrequired

    Whether or not the chain is active.

    candidateNodes CommitteeNode[]required

    A list of all candidate nodes and their peering info.

  • Array [
  • accessAPI stringrequired
    node PeeringNodeStatusResponserequired
    isAlive booleanrequired

    Whether or not the peer is activated

    isTrusted booleanrequired
    name stringrequired
    numUsers int32required

    The amount of users attached to the peer

    peeringURL stringrequired

    The peering URL of the peer

    publicKey stringrequired

    The peers public key encoded in Hex

  • ]
  • chainId stringrequired

    ChainID (Bech32-encoded).

    committeeNodes CommitteeNode[]required

    A list of all committee nodes and their peering info.

  • Array [
  • accessAPI stringrequired
    node PeeringNodeStatusResponserequired
    isAlive booleanrequired

    Whether or not the peer is activated

    isTrusted booleanrequired
    name stringrequired
    numUsers int32required

    The amount of users attached to the peer

    peeringURL stringrequired

    The peering URL of the peer

    publicKey stringrequired

    The peers public key encoded in Hex

  • ]
  • stateAddress stringrequired