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Get all receipts of the latest block



Get all receipts of the latest block


Path Parameters

    chainID stringrequired

    ChainID (Bech32)

Query Parameters

    block string

    Block index or trie root


The receipts

  • Array [
  • blockIndex int32required

    Possible values: >= 1

    errorMessage string
    gasBudget stringrequired

    The gas budget (uint64 as string)

    gasBurnLog BurnRecord[]required
  • Array [
  • code int32required
    gasBurned int64required
  • ]
  • gasBurned stringrequired

    The burned gas (uint64 as string)

    gasFeeCharged stringrequired

    The charged gas fee (uint64 as string)

    rawError UnresolvedVMErrorJSON
    code string
    params string[]
    request RequestJSONrequired
    allowance AssetsJSONrequired
    baseTokens stringrequired

    The base tokens (uint64 as string)

    nativeTokens NativeTokenJSON[]required
  • Array [
  • amount stringrequired
    id stringrequired
  • ]
  • nfts string[]required
    callTarget CallTargetJSONrequired
    contractHName stringrequired

    The contract name as HName (Hex)

    functionHName stringrequired

    The function name as HName (Hex)

    fungibleTokens AssetsJSONrequired
    baseTokens stringrequired

    The base tokens (uint64 as string)

    nativeTokens NativeTokenJSON[]required
  • Array [
  • amount stringrequired
    id stringrequired
  • ]
  • nfts string[]required
    gasBudget stringrequired

    The gas budget (uint64 as string)

    isEVM booleanrequired
    isOffLedger booleanrequired
    nft NFTJSONrequired
    id stringrequired
    issuer stringrequired
    metadata stringrequired
    owner stringrequired
    params JSONDictrequired
    Items Item[]
  • Array [
  • key stringrequired

    key (hex-encoded)

    value stringrequired

    value (hex-encoded)

  • ]
  • requestId stringrequired
    senderAccount stringrequired
    targetAddress stringrequired
    requestIndex int32required

    Possible values: >= 1

    storageDepositCharged stringrequired

    Storage deposit charged (uint64 as string)

  • ]