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Returns general information about the node.



Returns general information about the node.



Successful operation.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the node.

    version stringrequired

    The semantic version of the node.

    status required

    Status of the node.

    isHealthy booleanrequired

    Tells whether the node is healthy or not.

    acceptedTangleTime stringrequired

    A notion of time that is anchored to the latest accepted block. It's in nanosecond-precision.

    relativeAcceptedTangleTime stringrequired

    The time after Accepted Tangle Time has advanced with the system clock. It's in nanosecond-precision.

    confirmedTangleTime stringrequired

    A notion of time that is anchored to the latest confirmed block. It's in nanosecond-precision.

    relativeConfirmedTangleTime stringrequired

    The time after Confirmed Tangle Time has advanced with the system clock. It's in nanosecond-precision.

    latestCommitmentId stringrequired

    The latest slot that the node has committed to.

    latestFinalizedSlot integerrequired

    The index of the latest finalized slot.

    latestAcceptedBlockSlot integerrequired

    The slot index of the latest accepted block.

    latestConfirmedBlockSlot integerrequired

    The slot index of the latest confirmed block.

    pruningEpoch integerrequired

    The index of the slot before which the tangle history is pruned.

    metrics required

    Node metrics.

    blocksPerSecond floatrequired

    The current rate of new blocks per second.

    confirmedBlocksPerSecond floatrequired

    The current rate of confirmed blocks per second.

    confirmationRate floatrequired

    The ratio of confirmed blocks to new blocks of the last confirmed slot.

    protocolParameters object[]required
    baseToken required

    Gives info about the base token the network uses.

    name stringrequired

    The name of the base token of the network.

    tickerSymbol stringrequired

    Ticker symbol of the token to be displayed on trading platforms.

    unit stringrequired

    The primary unit of the token.

    subunit string

    The name of the smallest possible denomination of the primary unit. subunit * 10^decimals = unit

    decimals integerrequired

    Number of decimals the primary unit is divisible up to.
